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Standard package of the concert news item promotion

Concert news item promotion

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Package of the concert news item promotion (120 €, in rubles)


Internet-promotion (Russian language).


(!) The payment will be charged in the currency of your bank account's card, based on the rate of the Ruble on the date of the payment (it also can be slightly different ± 0,5-1,5% depending on your bank's currency rates). Please enter the amount to pay in Rubles (which is displayed on the Currency calculator below). If the payment is more than 13000 Rubles please divide the payment into smaller parts choosing the same service to pay (This is due the limitation of a single payment which is 13000 maximum). Please don't forget to add a comment mentioning this when you do the payment.



If you are a concert promoter or a band on tour and would like to make promotion for your local concert, Dark Media Group offers you the possibility of the promotion of your news item which is based on your concert announce and enhanced using our own capacities and promotional tools, with coverage of audience from 0,15 till 0,60% (depending on the region) of the population of the city (+ area) of the event. During promotional work on all stages is given a detailed report.

Standard package includes:
- making of the concert news item, which is based on your concert announce;
- working on the VK event and working on the target audience for this city;
- if possible, repost concert news items on local communities VK;
- e-mail sending trough our subscribers' base for city of the concert;
- detailed report

(*) It usually takes 2 weeks for standard package to be completed - 30 or more days before the concert;
(*) Beginning of the work on the concert news item only on the first and third Mondays of each month.



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